Intercultural Training for Teachers and Educational Area Staff

Icono localización

Quilicura - Chile

Latin America and the Caribbean
Range of Demographic Size
100,000 to 499,999 inhabitants (large intermediate)

10.7 Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies.

16.7 Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels.

F - International migration and protection of the human rights of all migrants

International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (CRMW).


Awareness of the educational communities is raised in order to conceptualize human mobility as a right, which is reflected in a better reception of migrant children in school communities. Also, training for the Municipal Department of Education staff is provided on the topic of migration and shelter. Actions are taken with universities interested in working on the concept of interculturality in the schools of the district.

Implementation Date:

Start: 03 / 1 / 2015

End: End: Currently in force

Interculturalism and non-discrimination - Fight against discrimination, xenophobia and racism Education - Intercultural education Interculturalism and non-discrimination - Inclusion and building of intercultural societies
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With the arrival of new migrants to Quilicura, problems were detected, specially in coexistence inside school communities, where discrimination practices towards migrant children and refugees are frequent. There were coexistence problems among children, native children and migrant children; the latter had difficulties to adapt to language, codes and teaching ways of the educational staff. On the other hand, schools did not take responsibility for mediating in coexistence conflicts and considered that problem resolution depended on the refugees and migrant children. Since 2013, before the implementation of the Plan for Reception and Acknowledgement of Migrants and Refugees (PARMIRE), the Oficina Municipal de Migrantes y Refugiados (OMMR) (Municipal Office for Migrants and Refugees) started to consider the migrant topic in education, organizing different activities to improve reception and acknowledgement of migrant and refugee children in the district’s schools. Before establishing cooperation with the Department of Education, the OMMR considered that there was no possibility of influencing schools due to the lack of willingness of their principals. Besides, there was not always availability to address the topic of Refugee and Migrant Students.
To train and raise awareness of officers, professionals and school managers in intercultural mediation practices: management of different codes and articulation of language typical of Latin American migrants, awareness of respect for cultural rights and legitimacy of refugees and migrants members of the community and awareness of the migratory and shelter reality to promote an inclusive and intercultural education.
The Municipal Office for Migrants and Refugees (OMMR) under the Department of Innovation and Citizen Participation of the Community Development Directorate (DIDECO), presenting an internal network of benefit services on whose core the Office of the Migrant has been placed.
Municipal Department of Education (DEM). PARMIRE action lines.
Various customized inclusion protocols for different scopes of municipal management and Office for Migrants that deploy plans, programs and projects in order to meet the demand of migration in the district.
International migrants, asylum applicants and refugees
Public officers and public employees
Education and training
The Municipal Department of Education (DEM) in cooperation with the OMMR, drafted and integrated for the first time an intercultural plan in the Annual Plan of the Municipal Department of Education (PADEM). There, it is stated that the schools of the district must represent a receptive space of acknowledgement of the migrant children and interculturality, and that, in each municipal educational unit of the district, the PARMIRE of Quilicura must be implemented. An Intercultural Education Unit is created, corresponding to a technical-learning education unit with a person in charge who coordinates acknowledgement and reception actions in educational communities. In kindergarten, primary and secondary schools of the district, there is a Haitian linguistic facilitator who provides pedagogical support to Haitian children and teenagers, and collaborates in social understanding among members of the Chilean school community and recently arrived foreign nationals. There are awareness projects for educational communities, to conceptualize human mobility as a right. The people in charge and officers of DEM receive training in intercultural mediation practices: ● Management of different codes and articulation of language typical of Latin American migrants. ● Respect for cultural rights and legitimacy of refugees and migrants as members of the community. ● Migratory and shelter reality.
The Intercultural Education Unit inside the team of the Department of Education is an innovative action in the municipalities of Chile. Not even the Ministry of Education has a plan to address multiculturality, so it visits intercultural schools of the district to learn how they work on this subject. The Haitian population is considered as a relevant element in planning of educational actions in each Annual Plan of Municipal Education (PADEM).
Relationships were created with Universidad de Chile, Universidad de Santiago and the Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE) to go forward in the action line of school communities’ awareness in the migrant subject.
The OMMR entered into strong collaboration agreements with non-for-profit entities such as Fundación de Ayuda Social de las Iglesias Cristianas (FASIC), the Fundación San Carlos de Maipo and Servicio Jesuita de Migrantes, with which it has developed a wide range of services specialized in migrant communities, to supplement the work of the Municipal Network.
These actions are not isolated activities in the district, but they are consequence of over ten years of making organizational policies of cultural inclusion. Although originally they appeared at the request of the OMMR, later on they were added to the PADEM and supplemented with other actions, such as professional teaching development to acquire skills for a diversified classroom; Inclusion and Interculturality Team building; creation of reception protocols for migrants, facilitators for translation of management documents, communications and informative documents; the pedagogical support plan for non-Spanish speaking migrant students through school reinforcement and delivery of Spanish-Creole support material for officers; ethnic workshops in Basic Education and some other workshops with students on respect and appreciation of diversity.
In the 2019-2022 Annual Plan of Municipal Education (PADEM) there is a matrix management established for pedagogical management that includes- in addition to the objectives- goals, actions and impacts.
Local goverment
Better reception of migrant and refugee children in school communities who deal better with the school challenges despite the linguistic difficulties they have. The cooperation with the Department of Education and the consequent integration of PARMIRE actions in the Annual Plan of the Department of Education represent a huge progress in establishing a district policy of institutionalized intercultural education. Due to the great external recognition of Quilicura work with migrants and refugees, a lot of universities established contact intending to work on the concept of interculturality in their district’s schools. Relationships were created with the Universidad de Chile, Universidad de Santiago and Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE), that allows going forward specially in the action line of school communities’ awareness in the migrant subject. Also, the Intercultural Education Unit received requests for information from different provincial Education entities. The Municipal Education implemented a management model based on the rights approach, generating proper conditions for all students with special educational needs. The educational model emphasizes intercultural inclusion since the Intercultural Education Unit with Linguistic Facilitator is a key element in the development policy.
The UNHCR recognized Quilicura as “solidarity city”. Together with UNHCR and the IOM, the Office for Migrants has entered into strong collaboration agreements with non-for-profit entities and it has managed to develop a wide range of specialized services for migrant communities, supplemented with the work of the Municipal Network. The Department of Foreigners and Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Security granted Quilicura the “migrant seal” as a strategy for strengthening the municipal institutional ability for execution of plans, programs and projects oriented to consideration and inclusion of the migrant population.


10.7 Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies.

16.7 Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels.

F - International migration and protection of the human rights of all migrants
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (CRMW).


Latin America and the Caribbean
Range of Demographic Size
100,000 to 499,999 inhabitants (large intermediate)

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/* Educacion = 2 Empleo = 14 Género y diversidad sexual = 8 Interculturalidad y no discriminación = 21 Medio ambiente = 18 Movilidad Humana = 7 patrimonio e identidad cultural = 88 Salud = 25 Seguridad = 31 Vivienda = 30 */