Comprehensive Social Tourism Program “Colibrí Viajero”

Icono localización

Ciudad de México - Mexico

Latin America and the Caribbean
Range of Demographic Size
1,000,000 inhabitants or more (metropolis)

11.4 Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage.

11.7 By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities.

A - Full integration of population dynamics into sustainable development with equality and respect for human rights.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).


The Integral Actions of Social Tourism, Tourism for Well-being “Colibrí Viajero” are focused on promoting the culture of the traveler and allows inhabitants and visitors of Mexico City, especially the low-income sectors of the population and groups in vulnerable situations who for physical, economic, social and cultural reasons have little or no chance of accessing the services of the tourism industry, to exercise the right to tourism.

It is also proposed to sensitize the population about the importance of knowledge and conservation of tourist heritage due to its ability to generate well-being and prosperity.

Implementation Date:

Start: 03 / 2 / 1998

End: End: Currently in force

Local economic development Cultural heritage and identity
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In a context of economic, cultural and social inequality among different population sectors, people in the lowest-income spheres do not have the necessary economic resources to visit a museum or a recreation site within the city, let alone to pay for a show ticket. However, the whole population should have the right to recreation, regardless of their social-economic standing.
The general objective of "Hummingbird Traveler" is to promote and encourage social tourism in the population, through visits and tourist tours. In particular, it proposes to support the strengthening of tourist services and promote appreciation for the cultural heritage of Mexico City. It is a right of the inhabitants to enjoy tourist and cultural options, regardless of their economic, social or cultural situation.
Secretariat of Tourism of Mexico City (SECTUR CDMX)
This program is articulated with: - Secretaría de Gobierno de Ciudad de México (Mexico City Government Secretariat): issuance of authorizations to organize events, and ongoing operation of transportation units at different city locations. - Secretaría de Seguridad Ciudadana (Secretariat of Citizen Safety): issuance of permits for passengers to get on and off transportation units at different points of interest. - Protección Civil (Citizen’s Protection Services): medical assistance in case of any incident. - City halls and municipalities: assistance to visitors at museums and other sites of interest, and issuance of authorizations to use public places.
Federal District’s Tourism Act, Chapter II “Social Tourism”: - Section 23: Social tourism comprises all programs implemented by the Secretariat in order to make tourist participation available to workers’ groups, children, young people, students, persons with disabilities, senior adults, indigenous people and other groups that, due to physical, economic, social or cultural reasons, have limited access to enjoying the city’s heritage and tourist services. - Section 24: The Secretariat will –with feedback from the different organizations that comprise the sector– create, coordinate and promote, for the purposes set forth in the previous section, the necessary social tourism programs, taking into account the specific needs and characteristics of each target group, the most adequate seasons to implement the programs, and a comprehensive use of the tourist heritage.
The elderly
Persons with disabilities
LGBTI Population
Society in general
Children and teenagers
Indigenous peoples
Social/citizen participation
“Colibrí Viajero” offers tourist tours in various venues, facilitates access and provides free tourist guide services and first class tourist transportation. The tours meet the various requests from public agencies, private institutions and social organizations. Work meetings are held annually with the different actors, in order to train them and specify the functions that each of them must perform (guides, logistics teams, planning teams, among others). Being the objective to promote and promote social tourism in the population and diverse groups, the program offers tourist tours in various modalities: - Traditional tours: aimed at all the inhabitants and visitors of Mexico City (open population), especially to the sectors of low-income population; groups in vulnerable situations and workers such as, for example, the elderly, people with disabilities, native communities, people living on the streets, active retired pensioners. These tours are done on board a bus, have a free service of tourist guides and have free access to enclosures called “Amigos Colibrí”. - Short circuit tours: aimed at all the inhabitants and visitors of Mexico City, they consist of short circuits by tourist bus in Alameda Central, Estela de Luz, Monument to the Revolution, esplanades of some City Halls, among other points; They last approximately 30 minutes and have a specialized guide who, on board the bus, provides relevant information about each site on the circuit. - Dramatized tours: tourist tours on foot through the emblematic sites of the city where, through a staging, the events that occurred in each place are dramatized. -Walking tours: they are carried out at specific points in Mexico City, walking along a route of monuments and emblematic sites, a guide narrates his story. - To make tourism is to make life: traditional tours are offered to the elderly in the 16 city halls of Mexico City. SECTUR, in coordination with the Institute for Dignified Aging (INED) and travel agencies, promotes tourist packages at affordable prices that can be paid with the food pension card. These packages are designed so that various sites in the country can be known.
Its most innovative aspect is the articulation between the public, private and civil society sectors in Mexico to promote access to tourism for those who, due to economic reasons, do not have the possibilities to do so. Promoting equal rights for everyone.
"Colibrí Viajero" integrates more than 70 cultural, tourist and natural venues, such as museums, forests, zoos, among others; civil society, academic partners, foundations, civil associations, native population, people with disabilities, the National System for the Integral Development of the Family. Companies that cooperate: Six Flags Mexico, Acuario Inbursa, Mirador Torre Latino, Estadio Alfredo Harp Helú, among others.
Prior to the operation of "Hummingbird Traveler" formal meetings were convened with the participating instances and venues, in which the operating rules of all the actors involved in the implementation of the public policy were established. During the execution, constant communication is maintained with the actors for its correct compliance.
Through the Ministry of Finance of Mexico City, there is a resource already assigned for the operation of "Hummingbird Traveler". This agreement was made in 2013 and contemplates the entire operation, logistics and human resources. In the same way, agreements were reached with "Amigos Colibrí" for the granting of courtesies and/or preferential prices for access to their facilities.
Satisfaction data is collected through surveys of participants during tours, in order to improve the quality of services. It is worth mentioning that only the Mexico City Secretariat of Tourism (SECTUR) participates in this stage. On the other hand, SECTUR randomly performs supervisions on the routes to evaluate the service provided. The final evaluation is generated through the summary of the data collection, from which the final report by season is derived.
Local goverment
They have benefited from people in vulnerable situations from the 16 City Halls of Mexico City. On the other hand, collaboration agreements have been reached with different states of the country and with government agencies for the incorporation of these groups in different activities outside of Mexico City.
Within the Integral Actions of Social Tourism, Tourism for Well-being "Colibrí Viajero" the dissemination strategies, various mechanisms are implemented: 1. A dissemination campaign is carried out through the media and spaces of Citizen Communication of the Government of Ciudad de Ciudad Mexico as public transport, metro, under bridges, bus stops and street furniture. 2. In different public and private events in Mexico City such as fairs, exhibitions, sporting events, concerts, forums, among others. 3. Through the website 4. Through the official social networks of the Ministry of Tourism, photos of the tours and promotional videos are published. 5. Interviews are conducted on radio and television. 5. Radio and TV interviews.


11.4 Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage.

11.7 By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities.

A - Full integration of population dynamics into sustainable development with equality and respect for human rights.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).


Latin America and the Caribbean
Range of Demographic Size
1,000,000 inhabitants or more (metropolis)

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/* Educacion = 2 Empleo = 14 Género y diversidad sexual = 8 Interculturalidad y no discriminación = 21 Medio ambiente = 18 Movilidad Humana = 7 patrimonio e identidad cultural = 88 Salud = 25 Seguridad = 31 Vivienda = 30 */